Friday, September 18, 2009


1. Mr. Tanner, Australian Minister for Finance and Deregulation, has publicly indicated his desire to resolve the Dawn Rowan 'case'. We are hopefully very close to a settlement.

Click on the links here:

Thanks for all your letters, emails, helping at the Vigils, and collecting signatures for the two sets of petitions to the House of Representatives.

For the time being I'm holding the petitions to the Senate you've sent as they address the 'waiver' issue: thanks to all who collected those signatures.

2. Dawn desperately needs a month of Respite. How about we find $10,000 to give her a decent holiday (eg. a month's cruise which she'd love)? You can send gifts to our tax deductible entity, Well-Being Australia (BSB: 063 191 Account 1012 2484): email me ( a copy of the transaction, and I'll send a receipt for your tax file.

Thanks everyone! We'll keep you posted as developments occur.


Rowland Croucher (for Dawn Rowan).

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